America is a land of Dreams

AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah
(10th Dan)
Creator of The KA System of Karate

          The Legend is Real

AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah is the 1st Black man in the history of the United States of America to create his own system of karate. Born and raised in Newark, New Jersey, AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah has been a major force to be reckoned with in the karate world. He began karate February 1962 at the age of 17 teen under the guidance of his only teacher Sensei James Cheatham. He was taught by Sensei James Cheatham for three years until his untimely death in a plan crash May 30,1966. His teacher's passing was a serious setback and he withdrew from the art for one year. Following constant pleas from youngsters that wanted to be taught, Karriem returned to karate. He started teaching for free in the Felix Fuld Court projects in the summer of 1967. As his popularity grew and demand grew, it was necessary to open a school. By November 1967 through the generosity of three friends, Timmy Miller, Garfield Davis and Tony"Chink"Shipley. Karriem opened his first karate dojo. This was the beginning of the creation and development of the  KA System of Karate. At first it was difficult for the karate world to accept the KA System, but as time passed and the fighters kept winning the KA System was recognized like all other styles of karate these battles took place during the strong years of karate tournament 1967-1975. Without a doubt AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah is the first black man and Muslim in the history of America to have created a karate system. The system consist of 7 styles and 18 in between styles which total 25 styles of fighting. From 1967-1977 over 15,000 people were trained in the KA System of Karate. In 1977 Karriem retired from karate. For the next 10 years (1977-1987) he traveled the circuit as a trainer in kick boxing, amateur and professional boxing. However in 1987 he was persuaded by two friends Mudarris Nashid Abdul Wasi and AL-Hajj Idris Muhammad to return to karate. He then went to his desk to complete his first book. The K.A. System of Karate "The Freestyle Crouch" which was released January 1988. AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah credits his success and endeavors to his beloved Mother Lucille Lillian Durant, his only sister Hayat  his religion Islam and discipline and sacrifice. He loves what he does and he does what he loves and that is teaching.

 Mudarris Nashid Abdul Wasi

10th Degree Black Belt

 The Freestyle Strong

He is the first student in the KA System of karate to be promoted to this rank. He has mastered The Freestyle Strong and has understanding of The KA System. He was the Budweiser's six time Breaking Champion in 1987-1988-1989-1990-1991 and 1992. Nashid is one of the best breakers in the country. Nashid has won numerous Grand Championships througout the country since being a student in The KA System of Karate and is still active training and teaching in The KA System. He is also the founder of the Islamic Federation of Martial Arts of the Greater New Jersey and  New York. Its purpose was to assist in charitable deeds. To apply this principle in the communities in which we live, to re-awaken the moral consciousness of the people to the point where they can address their own condition and to take a firm stance against the varies drugs whiich rob the communities of their future leaders of tomorrow. Mudarris also assist Al-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah in developing his brainchild Hard Point Karate and was its first Commissioner before Larry Hazzard and the New Jersey State Athletic Commission took over the control of full contact karate in New Jersey. Mudarris was the former superintendent and karate instructor at the NIA private school in East Orange, New Jersey from 1994-2001 and during his stay teaching over 800 kinddergarden through 12th grade students. He was directly responsible for insisting and encouraging AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah to publish his first book in the KA System, The Freestyle Crouch. Mudarris believes that full attention must be given to the social conditions that are affecting our children and yound adults in the inner cities. He believes that right thinking people must assumes the duty of role models and community interaction to help alleviate the many social ills, problems and conditions of children and young adults who are affected by their environment. Other achievements: New Breed Life Arts - TMA Bond - Hall of Fame - Martial Art Masters - Life Arts Award May 22,2010. 


AL-Mu'assis and Mudarris has a special relationship we are both Muslims.


 Wazr Jerry Stewart, joined The KA System of Karate April 16,1969 he was 13 years old.He won his 1st trophy at 13 teen and from that day on he became a fierce fighter in The Standard Style Straight, that is our second style in the system. Saturday May 20,1972 Wazr earn his teaching certificate from AL-Mu'assis. Wazr has been the Epitome of his style, The Standard Style Straight. During his junior years he was undefeated in tournament play. As a 16 year old student Wazr fought adults and defeated most. To see him in action was like watching a mirror of perfection in his fighting style. September 27,2008 Wazr Jerry Stewart was promoted to 6th Degree Black Belt. Wazr name will always be a part of our great history. AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah

 Felix Fuld Projects these are the children that forced me to return to what I loved Karate. Sparring is what they loved to do. Summer of 1967

 The child kicking is Hector Pitts. I new his father/ Grandmother and family.

 Hector at the age of 8 years old sparring two people. He was a natural.

 These were the first kids from the Felix Fuld Court Projects that I taught, they brought me back to katate. These pictures were taken in the summer of 1967

 The Felix Fuld Project kids. My love for children brought me back to karate. Some one had to teach then so I made it my job in 1967.

 Charles Moore was the 1st person I saw to perform karate 1962.

         Karriem ABdAllah at 17 years old

Warning: The pictures and videos on this site are the sole property of Karriem ABdAllah Productions,LLC any use of these images without written permission will result in a criminal offense


 AL-Mu'ssis Karriem ABdAllah can be reached by:



 AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah, the summer of 1968.

 Mother & Son

My Beloved Mother is always close to my heart, I know where I came from.
 AL-Mu'assis Karriem ABdAllah had to learn how to box in order for him to be be a better karate contact fighter. I new at 19 years old that boxing would help me to be better. I had many street fights and was successful because of the both ways of training. This was in Mugzy gym on Market Street, Newark, New Jersey.

 Karriem was a clown but he wanted a Crown

17 years old I wanted to be a karate world champ.




The K.A.System of karate DVD on sale $13.99 with postage $16.99 in USA. Go to Buy tickets & books for orders.
The K.A.System of karate DVD on sale $13.99 with postage $16.99 in USA. Go to Buy tickets & books for orders.